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Papers addressing the following topics that are within the scope of ME&DM are encouraged:

  1. Analysis of informatic applications: their practical use in music education.
  2. Textbooks and didactic materials in music education.
  3. Teacher training and educational practice for the knowledge, use and assessment of didactic materials in music education.
  4. Design of didactic and music materials
  5. Selection, assessment and definition of didactic and music materials.
  6. Standards in didactic music materials and practice.
  7. Historic view in relation to didactic and music materials.


The following templates explain the format that contributions should follow.

Communications sending standards

Standards for communication, educational concerts and workshops

Submission form

The writings will be accepted in English. They could be exhibited in the English, Spanish or Galician language. Preference should be indicated and the organization tries to give the possibility of using the preferred language of the communicator

In the case that the researcher has difficulties in having them in time, he / she can present them in Spanish, Galician, Portuguese or French, for the consideration and analysis of the scientific committee. In the case of being accepted, the final works will be sent in English to be included in the Symposium Proceedings, on 10/01/2019 as the deadline.

Submission Review

All submissions will be fully reviewed and selected by members of ME&DM Symposium’s Scientific Committee.

All papers should have up to 3000 words and must follow google format. It is the responsability of authors to take into account the required guidelines.

Proposals for presentations must be related to the Symposium’s topics and can be as follows:

Format of presentation

  • Research paper  (up to 10 minutes with 10 minutes discussion) (google form)
  • Didactic concert/Workshop (up to 30 minutes). Proposal submissions should specify exact length and be accompanied by a short biography/curriculum of the presenter and links (google form)


All accepted papers will be included in the Symposium proceedings that will be published with ISBN.


Universidade de Compostela

Universidade de Compostela

Rede de investigación en educación e formación para a cidadaní­a e a sociedade do coñecemento

Rede de investigación en educación e formación para a cidadaní­a e a sociedade do coñecemento



Xunta de Galicia

Xunta de Galicia

Gobierno de España

Gobierno de España



Facultade Ciencias información

Facultade Ciencias información

Facultade Formación do profesorado

Facultade Formación do profesorado



Mediterranean Forum For Early Childhood Music Education And Musical Childhoods

Mediterranean Forum For Early Childhood Music Education And Musical Childhoods

MERYC (European Network)

MERYC (European Network)

Escuela En Clave Método Suzuki

Escuela En Clave Método Suzuki